Rain and more rain

"Rain, rain, go away..." but it didn't. Rain fell most of the day, not a downpour, just a drizzle, heavy at times and definitely wet. Late in the afternoon, we decided to take Gulliver for a walk despite the rain, so out we went with me covered by a fleece jacket, a hat, and a rain slicker. The slicker serving as protection for the camera in between blips. Unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures because the light was so poor, but we did get a little exercise, and Gulliver had a great time.

I spotted this young buck as soon as we started down the trail. He was standing on the edge of the woods, chewing on a twig, and staring at me. He must be very young. The antlers appear to be brand new and look rather tender and sore. I felt sorry for him, standing there in the rain all by himself.

We really needed rain, but enough is enough! I'm ready for some sunshine. Unfortunately, sunshine is not predicted. West of us, in Nebraska, they are getting snow. I definitely don't want that, but I guess we will have to take what comes.

Have a good weekend, Blippers, whatever the weather where you are.

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