Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Swan In The Limelight

Phew! What a long day! All's well that end's well they say!

Thank you for all your kind well wishes yesterday. At 9.40pm I arrived back home, having been out for 24 hours except for a few minutes dashing back here now and then. Mum had a settled night but still couldn't eat anything again today and could barely take a drink. By 3.30pm she was begging for oxygen and I called the emergency doctor. Over an hour later she couldn't bear the pain of trying to breath any more and I thought her time was up. I could wait no longer for the doctor and dialled 999.

A paramedic arrived in a car with some oxygen which gave her almost instant relief and 10 mins later the ambulance arrived to take her to hospital doing an ECG as we went. By now her temperature was 40 C. By the time she got to the ward it was 8.30pm but she was sitting up and smiling, great relief.

On a quick trip out on shop business while she was sleeping I took a few quick shots of some swans. I'm remembering the great time she had a month ago on the canals feeding them and thought she would like this when she gets home again.

The On-Call Doc? Oh, yes, we saw him travelling our way as we headed off in the ambulance, by that time Mum had had the benefit of oxygen for over an hour.

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