Grant Park Beach

Yes, believe it or not it's a least it is in the summer! This is what our beaches look like in the winter. The chains at the top mark the observation area, where you can walk out over the the winter, you need to tread very carefully if you walk out on it, as it's almost completely covered in ice! It's easy to slip, & no one would want to fall into the lake at this time of the year! There are lots of very large rocks piled all around the observation area to act as breakers for the waves, & you can see here how they're not even visable under the snow & ice! The ice gradually accumulates further & further out, until it looks like it did today. Although the edges of the lake look icy & frozen, there are lots of areas of water that's flowing freely, but with lots & lots of ice chunks floating along! Today we were back to grey, dreary & dismal--not one small beam of sunlight to be seen, but on the plus side, our temperatures were above zero, which is certainly an improvement! (view large) :)

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