Bellis Fair Mall

Before I start talking about today's blip I want to say a huge "Thank You!" to everybody who stopped by yesterday's blip to wish me a happy 1460th. Wow! I was blown away by all your comments, stars and hearts. Goodness. It only proves what I said in that blip, that this is a very special place and you are very special people. I think I am about half way through responding to all of your wonderful comments. I will get to them all I promise. I am so touched by all the sweet things you all had to say. Thank you so much.

Today Bellingham is experiencing Frankenweather. It howls and blows and rains. Just when you are sure that curling up with a good book is the thing to do, the sun comes out. The skies are blue. The birdies sing. (Well not actually but I was on a roll.) The wind continues to blow though and soon the blue is covered in clouds and it all begins again. So... we three decided. Well actually Arvin decided and Helena and I went along with him, that taking an outside walk was not the thing to do today. But we all needed a bit of exercise. So I came up with the idea of mall walking.

Our mall here in Bellingham is about 25 years old, so it isn't like those snazzy ones with multiple stories and real rivers running down the middle of the halls. But they do keep it up and new stores appear all the time. Now we are decidedly not mall people so it has been awhile (a year or more perhaps) since we've been there. So off we went and I took the opportunity to take some photos for my blip. This was one of them, fiddled in camera and outside too. :) Take a look large.

While we were in the mall, Helena and I stopped at Christopher & Banks, my favorite store in the mall. 99.9% of the stores there are aimed at really really young folks. The clothes would look downright silly on my almost 71 year old body. So C&B is my favorite store, actually the only store that really meets my clothing needs. And they have good sales. So H and I each bought a lovely jacket at 40% off. Not bad at all. Mine is purple and hers is maroon.

Now we are home. I'm finishing the wash and continuing to catch up on comments. And it looks like the Seahawks are ahead of the Saints 23 to 15 as of this minute. The game isn't over though. I'm rooting for the Hawks. It would be brilliant if they made it to the Superbowl. (This from a lady who is decidedly not a sports fan. :)

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