Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Sunday's quiz

I awoke to a fine frosty morning. It's the first proper thick white frost we have seen this winter. I also did not feel sick when I woke, so perhaps the medication is finally working. I do hope so.

I was well enough to do some tidying in the garage and to put my car in. That will make life easy when the temperatures are low.

In the garden I wanted to try out a technique I've seen other people doing recently. It wasn't actually cold enough but I was intrigued by this image. Can you guess what it is? There is a SP lurking in there too. It's me with so many layers on you would never guess that I've lost any weight! If you need a hint, try this larger version in my Blipfolio. I know, I need to get out more.

Finishing off programme to go to printer tomorrow.

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