Giant teenager or

tiny guitar?

James borrowed the guitalele this evening. Not ten minutes after he took it from the living room, I hear beautiful tunes playing from his bedroom.

It seems that he really can play now. So, a year after I got it as a Christmas present, there is someone in the house who can teach me to play the tiny guitalele.

That is if
a) he is ever in
b) he has the patience to teach his annoying old mother

So, I probably won't be learning any time soon.

Corin and I ran today. Corin did way better than me. But even so, I did it.

Cooked up a storm in the kitchen. Lasagne, loaded with lots of veggies and chilli too. Pork slow cooking ready to be pulled tomorrow.
The shopping is done and I didn't have to encounter any other humans to do it.
I have even managed some of the ironing.

Now though it is time for bed as I want to continue reading The Hunger Games - started last night and had to force myself to put the book down at nearly 2am. Excellent present from James :-)

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