Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Uncommonly Common - Part 4

It had to be a blue jay today - they are, after all, one of the most common of backyard birds in my area. Clever, beautiful, quarrelsome and endlessly entertaining ... I doubt that I will ever tire of watching these amusing birds. All one has to do is put out a handful of peanuts, sit back, and wait for the fun to start.

I had a hard time choosing today, but ultimately this is the shot I like best. I briefly considered cloning out the metal rail, but then I decided to leave it alone. It's not a perfect shot - focus isn't quite sharp - but sometimes it's not about the best technical photo, is it? I did post five other shots on Flick, including several more blue jays, a cardinal and a goldfinch. If you'd care to have a look,
Click HERE to view

Tomorrow will be the last entry of my Uncommonly Common challenge - and it is entirely possible that you'll get another blue jay...stay tuned.

I'm thinking that it may be fun to recreate the Alternative Olympics next month, to coincide with the real Olympics. Some of you may remember two summers ago when Mimsy, Dudleykiev, the blue jays and the other creatures on the Lane teamed up to bring you some never-before-seem Olympic drama. This time, I'm thinking that we should make it a worldwide event, more in the Olympic Spirit, and give creatures, winged and furred (or scaled) a chance to compete. What do you think? And if you'd care to look back on some of the last "event", entries start HERE


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