Her Little Ponies!

Miss E got quite a few My Little Ponies for Christmas.
Some of them very sweet, some of them less so. I'll let you decide which is which!
Last night Miss E was still up an hour after I turned her light out. I went in at one point and she was at her desk writing by torchlight on tiny scraps of paper.
This is what she was writing - names for the cute (and ugly) ponies!
And that is why she didn't get out of bed until 8.30am this morning and was a yawning, grumpy, sleepy, yawny girl!
But did she listen tonight when I told her she'd be sleepy in the morning if she didn't go straight to sleep?
She did not!
Miss L and I had a very lazy day. I've got yet another cold which appeared from nowhere last night and has knocked me out a bit. So we watched a bit of TV, played a bit of snakes and ladders, played some CBeebies computer games and generally mooched around.
We didn't even get dressed.
Because that's how slovenly we are in this house!
Pound and a half off at Fat Club, woohoo!

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