Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

E is for an Event

The Lady of the House was very excited - the Master had asked the renown artist DawnP to create a silhoutte portrait of her, which he intended to have framed for display in his study. Apparently he had recently managed to sell 500 pictures by local artists at a healthy profit, and wanted to celebrate the event with her.

Another in the occasional series featuring subjects from my 1/12th Doll's House collection.
Bobsbitz59's Technique Challenge - Silhoutte
DDW's February 2014 Alphabet Challenge - E


Well I've made it to 500 Blips and in true Oscar fashion I just have to mention some achievements, such as my First Blip, followed Bip 100, 200,
300 and eventually
my 365th Blip (though in rather more than 365 days unlike many of you, dear Readers).

Then there are the gushing thanks due to the likes of JohnGravett, who bullies encourages his guests to join blipfoto, and DDW and Bobsbitz59 who set challenges to inspire and improve. My most popular and highly rated photos have come from meeting these challenges: Most Popular and Most Rated

Looking at my statistics over a third of my shots have been taken at a 100mm or 60mm focal length. These just so happen to be the focal lengths of my macro lenses, so no guesses what my favourite type of photo is! Apparently, I have also mentioned the weather 175% more times than the average journal - not sure what that means.

Finally, many thanks to all those who take the time to view and comment on my photos. Without you Blifoto would not be the same

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