Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Enough with the damned snow, already!

Doesn't this just sum it up? I couldn't have expressed it better myself. We woke up to another 7 or 8 inches of snow, topped off by a little ice. Freaking great.

Hope you don't mind another blue jay, but he was too cute to pass up, with the little flakes of snow and ice pellets. I actually took a bunch of photos today - we were overrun with birds. The grackles are back (about 40 of them - grrrrrackle) along with some starlings, mobs of sparrows (juncos, white-throats, tree and song), lots of cardinals and jays, four species of woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, three species of finches, the mockingbirds, the hermit thrush...and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. I had lots of fun photographing the grackles - in between trying to scare them away so the little birds could get to the feeders. Kept us all amused, I guess.

I posted my nine favorite shots from today starting HERE on Flickr - all birds, lots of snow.

Thanks for sending yesterday's blue jay to the spotlight page - and apologies that I am so far behind with commenting. Life is hectic, something I know most of you can relate to.

Tomorrow the weather should be a better so I hope to get out for a bit. There is another huge storm potentially headed our way this weekend, so at the least I'd better get to the store and stock up on groceries. I must say, that as much as I'm tired of the snow, it is much worse for the folks in the UK who are having the terrible flooding. At least we can shovel ours.

Happy Hump Day, people.


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