
Back to Siesta Beach for Nia today for the first time in a while. I was so happy!  The cold temps were somewhat to blame for my missing Nia. Think barefoot on the beach wearing exercise clothes in 45 degree F weather without much sun!  Plus the kitchen renovations conspired against me getting there the past few weeks. Luckily, our renovations are done, the kitchen we set up in the garage is now finis' -the boxes & bins brought into the new kitchen space & unpacked. I will have some finished photos soon -it came out beautifully!!!

Today sun was shining, it was about 60 or 65 degrees F when we started warming up and it was gorgeous. Dolphins greeted us by arching their way through the water. The music started and I felt one with my surroundings and very blessed to be able to dance and sing and move on the beach while feeling the breeze, watching the birds, looking at the water and feeling alive and free.

I noticed later when I took my photos out of the camera that I was seeing a lot of legs today! I could not do just one photo, so here you have a another photo collage from me. Larger looks best, I think. I hope this makes you smile and feel warm -especially those of you in unending rain or snow... with love, lenna

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