
By intothehills

The thinnest of silver linings.

I hate needles. I know a lot of people say that, but I really really hate needles. Twenty two years ago when I broke my ankles I had literally dozens of injections in the space of a few days; a fortnight later I passed out when they took a blood sample. Twenty years later as a grown man during a biopsy I threw up on the Dr who messed up my anaesthetic and jabbed me twice (on a karmic level he deserved it). I've gottem a tattoo to try and face this fear - that was a horror show with very little reward.
Today was my knee surgery. If I'm honest I've not given the procedure much thought, its been difficult to see beyond the anaesthetic - not just a needle, but one that stays in, urghhh.
It transpires (according to the anaesthetist) that thanks to climbing I have '"very good" veins and to some extent that made it hurt less.
Still got a fair amount of morphine in my system so can't say how painful the knee is yet.

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