Light at the end of the Glen

We decided that due to the weather forecast of rain and heavy rain we would set off home early. We stopped a couple of times in Glencoe where it was slightly brighter, but still pretty breezy and with only light rain to contend with. I have chosen this view looking down Glencoe towards Rannoch Moor as I liked the brooding clouds, but also the hint of brightness at the end of the Glen. It also shows off brilliantly the glaciated shape valley, which appeals to the inner Geographer in me.

We also saw a couple of groups of Red Deer as we were driving through the Glen, so all in all it's been a pretty good week for wildlife spotting, with Deer, Dolphin, Seals, Otters and Buzzards being the highlights of the week.

The roads were surprisingly quiet again driving home, and we finished the day off with proper Fish and Chips at the Wetherby Whaler. I'm now off to visit my Gran in her home before heading back south to Leicestershire.

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