Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Lighting Up Time

I don't open the shop on Sundays but today was the day when the town Christmas light got turned on and it was hoped that all the shops would be open. I went in for a couple of hours then joined the festivities in the street. This parade of paper lanterns followed the Town Band around the streets.

I was waiting to do a celeb blip and got a good vantage point, refusing to budge! However just at the time that Philip Martin Brown (Grantly Budgen) and Tachia Newall (Bolton Smilie) of BBC1's Waterloo Road would have moved to the centre of the stand to speak, ALL THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR HUGE LANTERNS stood between the staging and the hundreds of people gathered to see them!

That, aside, the lanterns were lovely and so were the 75 Dashing Santas, I was just too slow for those!

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