If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Nothing inspiring today. I had better explain the somewhat strange shot.

Rheged is a sight I see regularly, it contains the nearest petrol station, is on the way to our friends workshop and has various interesting exhibitions etc. When it was built (a lot of years ago now) it was billed as the largest grass roofed building in the UK. Basically it is a tourist attraction with cafes, varied retail shops, exhibition spaces, an i-max cinema etc. What you see in the shot is the wall and roof near the entrance, yes the gorse and daffodils are growing on the roof! The "rocks" are fibre glass and if you look carefully you will see a toilet soil pipe ventilator poking out of the top of one.

Ibn the first few years after it was built it was not uncommon,in summer to see somebody upon the roof watering it! If it wasn't for the notices etc announcing it you would barely notice as you drive past on the busy A66. Incidentally you can't see from the picture but inside it is 4 floors high (including the ground floor although if its all under ground I am not sure you can have a ground floor!).

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