
It's opening day for the 22nd season of the Bellingham Farmers Market tomorrow, so it would be great if this sunny weather would carry into the weekend, but even if it doesn't, I'm beginning to believe that spring is here to stay.

That's the way it looked at Lake Padden Park this afternoon, anyway. What a change from yesterday!

(If you're looking for a good read, I highly recommend Jonathan Coe's The Rain Before It Falls, published in 2007 in both the UK and the USA. I don't know how I missed it then, but I'm very glad I came across it in our local library, as I found it impossible to put down such a beautifully written book that uses descriptions of old family photos to tie a multi-generational story together This Guardian review will give you a sense of the story; don't let the seeming complexity put you off, as Coe's measured pace and clarity of language keeps the plot well in hand. I highly recommend it!)

AND -- Phil posted his 1460th blip today!

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