Pensive Hummer

Even his beak has a raindrop on it!

We awoke to dull and windy weather, so after breakfast I decided to spend a morning in the kitchen: (1) toasting slivered almonds, (2) making homemade granola, one of our staples, (3) making tuna salad, and (4) making these delicious vanilla bean and lemon roasted pears. I tweaked the original recipe by doubling the amount of vanilla bean and adding lemon zest, as well as the juice called for. The tiny vanilla seeds aren't pretty, but they add a wonderful flavor to this decadent fruit dessert.

Later, after reading Veronica's blip, I realized that I'd been enjoying my time in the kitchen just as chaiselongue always did -- and today is her birthday. She was an inspiration to me in so many ways, and continues to be.

The afternoon brought heavy rain and even more wind. Our two male Rufous Hummingbirds were often at the feeders, grateful for a sheltered place in which to replenish their energy stores -- although they also wasted quite a bit as they sparred for supremacy, rather than sensibly being content with one feeder each.

(Phil's blip yesterday is not one of his typical subjects; it ties the past and the present in an unusual way.)

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