
By Angelique


Song by Keane - recently sung by Lillieallen and used by Waitrose for their Christmas advertisement.

Mr A and I went for a walk to the Beacon Field this evening to watch the sun go down. At 19.10 the sun was still too high up in the sky but we were amazed by the shadows and contours that it picked out in our special valley. The view is looking back towards Taunton, in the opposite direction to other shots I have taken which look in the Welsh direction.

If you look closely you can see a herd of sheep in the top right corner. It was a magical walk and Phoebe thoroughly enjoyed running free in the field.

It has been another busy day and I'm now feeling tired. Ran Phoebe around Taunton earlier and then she patiently waited in the car whilst I did my week's shopping.

Only one more day at work this week, so I'm already looking forward to the weekend, when we are entertaining a fellow blipper and other half. There will be much to talk about, I'm sure.

I hope your day has been kind to you. That Countryfile has managed to wash the mud off his car after playing in the mud on the Isle of Wight. Dave the Rave, has completed another successful day in his Park/garden, and that Mr Schorschi has completed another task with his menagerie / bee hives etc.

We all of us live very busy lives, and yet come together to share a common bond - sharing our lives through our photos and caring about one another. We are a special band of people and I feel priviledged to share my photos/life with you.

Sending hugs to you all. xx zzzzzzz

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