
Surprisingly not given that I've just completed 2 fast days on the 5:2 diet and exercised vigorously on both days. Don't get me wrong, I felt hungry at the time, usually towards the end of the working day when the meager breakfast and lunch had long since been consumed.

Decided to give the 5:2 diet a try to get back to last summers weight which I had easily maintained for about a year. Funny how when we put weight on or can't shift weight, we swear blind that we eat sensibly. I would have done the same 3 days ago but what struck me during my 2 fast days was the number of times I craved a snack. When you don't give in, you are very aware of how often it happens. When you give in, you don't really register it but if that happens 4 or 5 times a day, that adds up. A small snack can easily come in at 100 - 200 calories. Do that several times in one day and your on your way t half of your daily allowance before you sit down for a meal.

I know that this is what has changed for me. I was eating well but was also very disciplined and ate very little between meals. In the last 9 months, I've developed a snack habit. If nothing else, the 5:2 diet has made me aware of that and even on non fast days, I will be stricter with my snacks.

Let's see how soon I can get down to last year's weight.

Oh, and I beat Tim last night. He took the first game but then crumbled. He's as unpredictable on the squash court as he is on a night out :-)

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