Flowering shrub

I could describe today as a gorgeous and sunny but to be honest I was so tired from yesterday’s big dinner party that I hardly noticed the nice weather.
Except for driving my grandson to school and picking him up, I didn’t really go anywhere. I still had plenty of cleaning up to do from the party and in between, I spent the time chatting on the phone with my sister and relaxing.
My blip is of a shrub outside my kitchen window that is in full bloom right now. I tried getting the view from inside looking out but there is a screen in the window and it kept distorting the image. From inside not only is this evergreen in bloom, but behind it is about a half-dozen forsythia in bloom. The combination of colors looks so pretty.
I chose this single bloom after going outside and seeing how nice the sunlight was hitting it. Here is a shot of the entire shrub in bloom too. You can see my kitchen window on the left.

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