Do you remember the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986? Those living in Belarus remember it well and many of them are still suffering from the effects of the world's worst nuclear disaster. The Chernobyl Children Life Line charity was set up to help the children of Belarus and there is a charity shop in Swindon.

I met Vanessa in the shop when it first opened and was sharing my faith with her, as she said she was feeling quite low. We didn't see each other for sometime and then met at the funeral of our mutual friend, Karen, a few weeks ago. Vanessa told me that when I had first met and spoken to her she was going through a bad time and my words had brought her comfort. I never knew that - but it made me realise that we just don't know how much our words can mean to someone!

I already had my blip sorted for today but then I met Vanessa and her friend, Karen, when I went into the charity shop today looking for more items to décopatch. I explained to Karen about blipping - Vanessa already knew from seeing my blips on Facebook - so here they are, smiling broadly in spite of everything!

At the moment, Vanessa is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and is a real inspiration to all who know her. She doesn't wallow in self pity and wonder "Why me?" but wants people to know that this disease CAN be overcome and in her words "The biggest battle is in the mind!!"

Vanessa and Karen along with 18 others have just been to the Isle of Man with The Whole Hog Theatre Company where the company performed "Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare, at the Gaiety Theatre in Douglas, as part of a festival of plays. They told me that they had had a wonderful few days and were very enthusiastic about their time together.

When I left Vanessa I felt very humble because she told me that although she knows God is close to her, sometimes she needs to be blessed by a real person and I was that person for her today. I almost cried when she said "Today for me you are 'Jesus with skin'." What a compliment! If Vanessa is the only one I bless today, I will be happy. Please remember Vanessa as she goes into hospital next Thursday for an operation - what a blessing she was to me today!

I know whose names will be going in my Blessings Jar later!

“We are healed to help others.
We are blessed to be a blessing.
We are saved to serve…..
…..not to sit around and wait for heaven.”
Rick Warren
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

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