
I decided to do my blip earlier today rather than wait until after the wedding that I’m going to later on this evening. I’ll probably be too tired to be on the computer after the wedding and I had this beautiful Dogwood tree blooming right outside my bedroom window.
I planted this tree when it was just a little thing and it has grown to fill the space looking out the window from inside the bedroom. I love dogwood trees and their delicate flowers. It has to be one of my most favorite of all the trees the bloom at this time of year.
I’m sitting outside in my yard right now and it is a gorgeous day today. Sunny and warm after last night’s rain, which made everything seem even more green today than it did just yesterday. As I’m typing this I hear a woodpecker, a cardinal and various other song birds that are in the area. My wind chimes are ever so slightly tapping and making the most beautiful sound. There are butterflies and bumble bees hovering about making this spring scene complete.
I’ve already been to the hairdresser to have my hair done for the wedding and my clothes are all set out and ready. I get to enjoy these couple of hours of solitude before I have to get dressed and leave for the ceremony. What a beautiful day for a wedding.

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