Evening Sun

All day long I've heard the steady drone of lawnmowers. Sunday is the day to cut the grass in our village clearly.
But not in this house!
What would I blip if I got rid of the dandelions?!
Today has been very productive. I wrote a list of jobs this morning for Mr K and me to divide up between us. The deal was we can't go to bed until our jobs are done.
I have cleaned every inch of the bathroom and it's now sparkling
I have cleaned out the goldfish tank which took hours. And as I type New Lucy and Libra are still with us. Keep your fingers crossed!
I put away every scrap of my clothing that was strewn all over our room, the bathroom, the airing cupboard, the dining room floor..... All now neatly hanging in the wardrobe. And another bulging bag for the Ragman too!
I sorted out all the Little Misses' clothes (that were also strewn all over the dining room floor) into two laundry baskets for Mr K to hang in their respective wardrobes.
Mr K has sorted out the shoes in the hallway. All now in a big crate!
And he put all his clothes away. Resulting in a rather annoyingly large pile of "washing" which I'm not convinced is washing at all. I think he just gave up putting it away!!
He has still to put the Little Misses' clothes away.
And dust and tidy the living room.
I think he's in for a late night!!!
Yesterday at Wimpole Miss E found a geranium in the plant shop which she loved and wanted to buy with her marble money. She got a bit ratty when we said we'd buy it as we were leaving rather than carry it around for hours but I promised we'd get it when we left.
Naturally we were the last to leave and the shop was shut. She was distraught!
I promised we'd go to the garden centre today and she could choose a plant.
Mr K took her while I got on with my jobs and she came back with something pink for the rockery (which we don't have!) and a present for me.
She gave me a little lemon scented candle because she knows how much I love my lemongrass oil I bought back from Thailand. Thai Jiff!!
She gave me a big hug and said that she'd wanted to buy me a present with her own money.
It was all I could do not to cry!
Mr K said she had spent ages smelling all the different ones trying to decide which one to get.
I doubt she'll ever spend another £2 which will mean more to me.

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