My Brain Can't Think Of A Title...

.... Maybe just Cherry Blossom!

I've walked under this branch 6 times today.

The first time I nervously approached The Mother's bungalow, not knowing how she would have been since I left her last night. Good news, she was up, dressed and just about to have some breakfast. A huge improvement!

I, on the other hand, wasn't feeling good today. When I got back to the house I lay down and slept for the rest of the morning on the sofa. I had to force myself to go to the cattery to collect Ali and do some shopping.

As I walked under the tree the third time I took 4 shots of the blossom. It's at is best just now, a bit later blooming than some others.

As I walked under it for the 5th time on my way to make The Mother a nighttime flask of tea the branches were silhouetted against the evening sky and the new moon was shining through them. I didn't have the camera with me but I created an abstract version of it from one of my earlier shots.

I haven't done anything else tonight, just too tired. Expect to be back to normal tomorrow. Work to do!

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