dirty dandy...

...from a plentiful field

of dandelion's

they are growing everywhere - little yellow sunny faces - popping up to greet the day - no matter where you go - i don't necessarily mind them - however - i know others have a very different attitude about them - find them a hassle - a nuisance - they get in the way - cause endless trouble - create problems in yards - i understand - truly, i do - they are inescapable - the landscapers came where i live - did all their mowing - weed-wacked stuff around the grounds - sprayed this and that - blew away left over leaves from last fall - everything looked all pristine by the time they were done - no little yellow puff balls hanging out - it almost made me a bit sad - but then... then... the very next day - suddenly - i noticed a tiny sprinkling of yellow

how does that happen? you think they've been destroyed - and back they come - almost, it seems, more powerful - in more force than they were before - boo! again - i don't really mind - but others - it really does get under their skin - yet - i look at a photo like this one - even though i've titled it "dirty dandy" - 'cuz it's seen better days - i'm still drawn to it - there is an elegance - a beauty with all the seed pockets which is undeniable - i just have to admire it - and therein - it makes for...


happy day.....

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