The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Pelargonium Ardens

Here's the pretty pelargonium, snapped as I watched Bomble on the other side of the window. We seem to have opened a cafe for all the cats in the 'hood. This was not supposed to happen.

We've been trying to encourage the little tabby shorthaired cat, whom my neighbour thinks is a stray, to come and eat and sleep on the sofa in our cabin. All that's happening is that the three cats next door, the two on the other side, and Bomble, are climbing through the window in the cabin to eat the food! I've been trying to call the little one, which is impossible when he hasn't got a name! He is cabbie for now.
He is cute looking, but if we are even going to think about adopting him, we need to make sure that he doesn't belong to anyone else.

Apart from that, I've been getting ready for tonight's fundraising pamper evening at the school. I have offered to do head massage. I've now got twelve bookings in a solid row. Oops! So, I've just got time to dig out my 'massage trousers' before Pointless begins, then I'll throw together an ultra-quick supper before we head out: Steve to an important meeting, and me to the head massage-athon.

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