The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Nice day for a white wedding

The clematis, last seen here in bud two weeks ago, is out! It has been for some time, but I shot this while waiting in for the delivery of some white goods. At least, I think they are white!

Let me explain: our new washing machine is to be delivered today (any time from 7am onwards) and, while dozing because I'd woken at 5.44 am, I dreamed that my younger sister and I were waiting for a delivery on the porch of a former home of ours, and when the washing machine arrived, it turned out to be pillar box red! Did I actually order a red one? Is there such a thing?There probably is if it costs £1000 and is called Smeg!

So, here I am, waiting, and blipping, and looking at gluten free recipes and ways of cooking dabs (flat fish) and wondering about going to a gig tonight (the Young 'uns) and it's still only 9.23 am!

Last night's charity fundraising massageathon was a success. I did nine tiny sessions in a row, and made a decent amount and gave some of it back to the school. The atmosphere was really buzzing and my friend who was doing reflexology and had been having second thoughts about it the day before, really enjoyed herself. I did not have any time to go and get my eyebrows waxed or my toenails painted, but then I was there to work, and my efforts were much appreciated.

Roll on the weekend! Lunch today with a bunch of old friends, a date that has taken approximately seven years to organise, during which time one of our gang actually died. There there's a concert tonight, and Steve cooking dabs for dinner: what's not to like?

Oh, and tomorrow I get to do my washing all day!

White wedding song with ghastly 80s video

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