The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Young 'Uns

...seen on my iPad. I shot some video footage with my little Olympus on Friday night at the gig, as there were only about twenty people in the audience. A lot of other stuff, mainly related to the visual arts festival and the textile festival, was happening that night, but it was still poorly attended! Still, it gave me a chance to practice my video skills. I'll put a link in to my youtube 'channel' so you can see them singing The Battle of Stockton.

The Young 'Uns are a folk trio who sing close harmonies, as well as some more traditional sea shanties, and write their own songs. They hail from Teeside, and have an infectious stage presence. The accordion player is blind. I saw them first at Cheltenham folk festival back in February, though they were in Stroud last year and I missed them. Not going to do that again! Their latest CD is called Never Forget. I'd like to go on one of their singing weekends (not that I can sing, but apparently some people go just for the fun of the weekend) at Kirkby Stephen or Eskdale youth hostel, and go singing around the pubs of the town (though not in the case of Eskdale, because the youth hostel is not in the village), but they're not till November and I'd have to pay for the train journey there, too....)

I spent Saturday doing several loads of washing in the new machine (yay! it even has a fifteen-minute programme!) and then trying to get it dry, by dodging the raindrops and switching things round on the various racks. Then there was the excitement of the Eurovision Song Contest, which I did not see much of, but was hosted by Denmark and won by Austria: a man-woman in an evening dress, long black hair and a beard!

This is a repost, as the shot of the inside of the washing machine (sorry) turned out to be noisy when I saw it on my laptop.

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