Grass is Always Greener...

The culmination of a lot of hard work is our agricultural show. The weather forecast was dreadful and it did not bode well. For as long as I can remember I have worked in the car park. I work with the horse trailers and lorries getting them safely in and out. Today it was a day for the tractors and I spent a lot of time chaining and unchaining the victims of the mud as well as driving some vehicles get the more nervous drivers.

The twins too were working, they've re the secretary's runners collecting the judges score sheets and taking them back to the secretary's tent to be collated and let the engraver work. Every trophy is engraved with the winners name before it is presented no mean task. Mimi won the cup for under twelve baking, she was over the moon. Both the twins entered six classes rack in the industrial section Mimi had two firsts a third and a highly commended in addition to get cup Fraser had a first, two thirds and a highly commended a fantastic performance making dad very proud.

Later in the afternoon a little incident as I was unchaining a lorry the driver listed their door from the brake and she rolled catching my hand between the chain and the towing pin. I felt my knuckle pop as it dislocated. After a quick visit to the St Andrews Ambulance crew it was back to work albeit a little gingerly as the pain of a throbbing hand gripped me.
My hand is sore but totally ok. All that matters really is that everyone who visited, competitors and just this there to see the exhibits and animals enjoyed their day. In the top field we always have a laugh and a good day rain or shine, here is to next year!!!

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