Journey Through Time

By Sue

Cedar Waxwing

Not a good photo, no, BUT, it is rare for us to see these guys in our yard AND this one was in our dogwood tree for all of 20 seconds, so I was lucky to get this at all. I heard their distinctive zweee zweee zweee call and then they flew into our tree and I got two shots off and this one was the best. Then they took off for parts unknown.

An odd day, weather wise....warm with skies that never were blue....just a light greyish white all day. I don't know if it was just dirty air, or thin cloud cover or what, but it was weird looking, I thought. Showers returning for a few days. I was up early and got some errands done. I got two new plants for the front yard...a new lavender plant and another perennial with pink flowers - a type of salvia. If I keep fussing around with the front planting beds, I'll eventually get the little perennial garden I want for butterflies. The sunniest location is in the front yard.

We got out the barbecue and I made my potato salad, and the hamburgers and salad tasted very summery. The potato salad is one that I like, because this one doesn't have eggs in it. I'm not fond of eggs, so this recipe works for me and Bill loves it, so it's a win - win. It has dill weed in it instead of pickles. A little lemon and vinegar brighten up the flavor and it's delish!

But I have made a total mess of the kitchen. Better go clean. Bye for now.

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