Failed again!

Failed to find a colorful little migratory warbler, that is. Migratory Bird Day, a big day for serious birders, is almost upon us. Wouldn't you think I could find a decent warbler to pose for me? I spotted an indigo bunting and got really excited...until it flew away. Spoke to some serious birders who said they had seen some indigos and lots of yellow throats, but I couldn't manage to get even one to pose for a photo op. Maybe tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. Today the catbird was willing to pose again, so that's who you get. It was either him, a male cardinal, or a suspiciously fat robin.

Today's good news: It didn't rain!
Today's bad news: The thermometer topped out in the mid-to-high 40s. That's cold for the middle of May, ridiculously cold!

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