My Best Efforts - Year 3


Allium #2........

........especially for Meadowview and PGH!!

These two are now fully open though I don't think their colours are quite as vivid as in other years!

The smaller yellow and white ones will follow on shortly.

Anni's Hubby has a Birthday today - have a great day, S-in-L, - hope your back is feeling much better - am sure the rum helped!

So BOUI today concern the 17th May :-

1752 - 1st US fire insurance policy issued (Philadelphia).

1812 - Waltz introduced into English ballrooms. Most observers consider it disgusting & immoral. No wonder it caught on!

1850 - Work starts on 1st brick building in San Francisco.

1949 - Siam renames itself Thailand.

???? - and very important, My Son in Law was born - I know the year but ................Data Protection Act 1988 !!!! - ha ha !

1972 - John Lennon says his phone is tapped by FBI on Dick Cavett Show.

Yet another beautiful morning - Temperature at 12 noon is 67 Deg.F. - just right!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

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