
Part of the "Erich Schickling Foundation" property.

I had often passed road signs showing the way but had no idea what it was or who he was. The, for us, new Ottobeuren walk discovered two weeks ago, goes straight through the property, the dog walkers all leashing their dogs because of the peacock. I didn't ask whether dog or peacock were the danger. I don't leash Flash and probably don't need to do so with Luna. We haven't yet encountered the enemy but always hear him and I spotted him last week on a roof.

Have tried to find out who Mr Schickling is/was. He doesn't appear in Wiki but the Foundation does have a website. Turns out he (1924-2012) was an artist best known for his glass windows in churches and public buildings, mainly in Bavaria. Not sure what kind of glass work he did, perhaps Blips very own Glass Specialist, Angelique, can work it out from the website.

The site is a little run down but looks as though there is some money being invested. The small chapel is surrounded by scaffolding and workmen have been replastering the tower. The buildings are open to the public every Sunday and their are artistic/musical events from time to time.

Only met a friendly sausage dog Dackel on the walk. Nice to see a huge area of grass which against my thoughts earlier this week haven't been mown and are full of clover, buttercups and other wild flowers, so we were accompanied by quite a bit of buzzing on the walk.

Something which had troubled me for the last few years on my walks around Ottobeuren were the number of dog "mess" plastic bags by the side of the paths. I couldn't work out why people took the trouble to pick the mess up but then leave the bags lying around. Last week discovered the reason. Most dogs do their business "outbound" on the walk so the owners leave the bags and collect them up on the way back. Today I tried it out but as I had been warned last week sometimes other dog owners will simply take other peoples bags with theirs. Our bag was gone. Seem o be a very conscientious dog walking communiy in Ottobeuren.

Another cloudless warm day pushing towards 30°C. Tomorrow a few 100 thousand tons of Sahara sand over Bavaria so won't be quite so clear and then the weather will break with "only" 22-24°C over the weekend.

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