Help yourself!

Last year we were having so many problems with this feeder, which hangs just outside our big front window--the squirrel, much like it was doing THIS year with the feeder in the back--kept taking the top off & emptying it out. Tom welded the top to the body of the feeder, & cut a hole on the top of the feeder so that I could pour the bird seed into it! This is the first time I've ever seen a bird actually stick it's head into the hole! I'm pretty sure this is a European Starling--& if you look at the center of the clear holder where the seed is, you'll see it's open mouth above the seeds, ready to grab some! Everytime it would pull it's head out, it would start slipping on the rounded metal & would have to flap it's wings to regain it's balance! Pretty funny!
The European Starlings were not native to the U.S. Apparently around 1890 a Shakespeare enthusiast released 100 of these in New York City in an effort to introduce all feathered friends mentioned in Shakespeare's works. They now number about 200 million, so they're hard to miss! Besides sticking their heads into feeders, they DO eat lots of insects, which is a good thing! Hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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