AND RELAX.......

It's been a busy weekend - and I am even more convinced that ladies of a certain age - like in their 60s - should NOT have babies!! It is tiring looking after teenagers and I'm only the Grandmother, so later today, I will go home to have a rest and leave their parents to take over!

We had to rearrange things somewhat as Josh was not a happy bunny when we told him he would have to walk to school this morning, because Grandad needed the car to go to cricket. After a quick phone call to sort out transport, I took Mr. HCB back home, then came back with the car. Josh had a big smile on his face. :-)

Charlotte and her friend, Stephen, had stayed for dinner and then decided to make a cake, which was delicious - but I was a very fortunate Grandmother in that I got to do all the clearing away and washing up - in return for a piece of cake, of course.

Josh was out at darts, but fortunately had a lift home, so we then played card games for a while. Even though lots of children and young people play on their computers for many hours a day, some of them do enjoy good, old-fashioned personal contact and we had a great time together.

We got up early this morning and Josh was duly delivered to somewhere near the school - traffic was horrendous - I had forgotten that there are maniac parents on the road first thing in the mornings as well as hundreds of children walking to school.

Then back home to rouse Charlotte, who was very good at getting up. When she came downstairs, she looked lovely, so I got my phone out and asked if I could take a quick pic. Her comment was "Oh no, I'm not going to be your Blip, am I?" My grandchildren know me so well!!

So here is Charlotte, ready to go - fortunately, she is now able to drive, so I didn't need to take her to college.

Now for that cup of coffee and I may even sneak a piece of cake - well I do deserve it!! I hope Mr. HCB enjoys relaxing at cricket.

A mother becomes a true grandmother
the day she stops noticing
the terrible things her children do
because she is so enchanted
with the wonderful things her grandchildren do.
Lois Wyse

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