Looking Up

If anyone walked by our house at mid-morning today, they would have heard peals of laughter from three women: Clare (tookie on Blipfoto), her friend Peg, and me. Thanks to ArtistAnnie, whom they visited this afternoon, you can see them here! I was too busy laughing and marveling at the connections Peg and I discovered to remember to do a blip of them, so thanks, Ann!

Clare and I discovered earlier this year, thanks to her Blipfoto journal, that we went to the same high school in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and played in band together, too. Her friend Peg also went to that high school, but our paths never crossed because I was four years ahead of her. Peg is thinking of moving to Bellingham, so she and Clare came up today to look at some rentals and local attractions. As the conversation progressed, Peg and I looked at each other in amazement when we discovered that we had attended the same church, and even more amazing, lived on the same street so many years ago!

Later this afternoon, I drove for the first time since June 16, going downtown for a planning meeting with several staff from the Whatcom Symphony Orchestra about the concert programs for the new season. The meeting was at Pure Bliss Desserts (check out those cakes), but I was content with a cool beverage, as Phil had come home late from pickleball and we'd had lunch not long before the meeting.

I'm cautiously optimistic that I am on the mend at last, although I'm still being very careful about what I do and how long I sit. My physical therapy appointment on Thursday will give a more definitive sense of just how much I've recovered.

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