Found.......... Reprographics!
I opened my emails at work today to find one from Julie in Reprographics telling me she had a large moth in there that I might like to see!
Needless to say I rushed down to her room, to find this particularly well marked Large Yellow underwing moth ( Noctua pronuba ) sitting on the wall behind a photocopier. Removing it from this position was tricky and in the end we succeeded using a pond dipping net, and chemical pot.
I put the moth in the fridge for a few minutes so I could show the other techs, and then I released him onto the buddleia outside our prep room door. As soon as I put him on the buddleia his long proboscis came out and straight into the flowers to feed on the honey scented nectar.
Today's shot shows him with his tongue at the ready......later he had flown off, hopefully fully fed and ready for a night on the tiles.
Large yellow underwing moths are common from midsummer onwards. In my teens when I used to run a moth trap they were so numerous we had to abbreviate the name to LYU.

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