Lake view

I am still best friends with Lemsip and Otrivin, but it is getting better. My throat is not sore and I am less tired.

Hero is a lovely dog in many ways, but he has one habit, which really makes him stand out. He gets very protective and caring, whenever someone is not 100% right. It was Hero that made me aware that old Bridie had nearly stopped breathing after having been under general anaesthesia. It was also Hero that looked after Biscuit and never left his side, when he had been attacked by a Border Collie. And these last days Hero has been in my face more or less non-stop because of my cold. It is very moving to see him care so much for me and the other dogs in his pack, but I must admit that it would have been more relaxing if I had not had a big Border Collie face staring at me and breathing warm dog breath into my face whilst I was trying to get some sleep. The good news is that Hero is fast asleep on the floor next to me at the moment. It must mean that he does no longer consider me critically ill :-D

I have been to work - I kept saying that I wanted to leave early as I was not feeling too well. I ended up leaving at the usual time though... I collected Dina and we went for a walk by the lake. Today has been a little less warm, which is nice.

Pretty white

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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