Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Corbridge Music Festival

It was a first for me in more than one way. Today I attended my first pop festival and today I held my first press pass. The latter was courtesy of Neil who had been given 2 because of the work he did last year.

The Corbridge Festival ran like clockwork but with a very relaxed atmosphere. There were loads of families everywhere, most with chairs and picnic mats and lots of lovely food. There was good food for sale. Although there were 2 drink tents there was no drunkeness all day.

I had a whale of a time, wandering through the crowds and catching lots of people photos. Most were delighted and some asked to be photographed, so pretty much a win win.

This crowd is joining in with Rozalla who was a huge hit and let fans take selfies with her.

The top act was Big Country. I left while they were playing to miss the rush from the car park. I might just go to a rock festival again next year!

PS If you look large, you might see what the phone camera is about to capture too.

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