Car Boot Sale

The shock of my alarm going off at 5.45am was mellowed a bit by the fact that Miss E has altered all the alarm settings on my phone and I was woken up by the sound of her singing Let It Go. So sweet!
It was still pretty hideous though getting up and out at that time in the morning.
I met Mrs L and Miss M in a layby near to the car boot sale so we could go in together and park next to each other. We were in by 6.40am.
We were set upon immediately by traders asking for phones, jewellery and trainers.
I said to one man that I had trainers and if he assembled my table for me I'd get them out. He didn't buy the trainers but I got my table assembled in a fraction of the time it would have taken me. Result!
It was my first time selling at a car boot and I really enjoyed it. It was boiling hot and it was fun people watching. My goodness there were some people to watch!!
Chips at 8.30am anyone?!!!
I was delighted with my total of £131. I never expected anywhere near that much for a load of old tat I found around the house.
And some of the beautiful clothes the Little Misses have outgrown.
The clothes rail started off stuffed so full you could hardly move the hangers. By the end it was quarter full.
It was hard to see some of the dresses go. I nearly had to run after a woman and get one of them back!
But I didn't. And her little girl will be wearing it tomorrow and twirling like the Little Misses both did.
We were amongst the last to leave and it was such a good feeling to pack up so much less than I brought with me!
The afternoon was a tired blur. Miss E overheard me telling Mr K how tired I was and she disappeared off for a bit and then came back and said she had a surprise for me.
She made me close my eyes and led me to my bedroom. She'd folded down the duvet, put my book on the pillow, brought in a glass of water and an orange in case I was hungry! She insisted on tucking me in to have a rest.
Never one to refuse my children I snuggled down and had a lovely cuddle with her and a semi snooze. Much better than doing the washing up!
The rest of the day passed in a bit of a blur.
It's now 9pm and I need to get to bed.
Enthused by my success I've been round the house and found a load more tat stock and will be heading off to a car boot sale in Milton Keynes at 6am.
I must be mad!!

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