
This is technically a crappy shot. I know that. I noticed some of the Ricoh's limitations this evening. I just like it though because of the little feet. Seem to have a feet thing at the moment.

I have an absolute glut of beautiful plums. The birds are doing their level best to liberate the majority from the tree. What they don't eat, Cousteau polishes off. Needless to say, not all that pleasant for the schmuck that has to clean up after him!

So, I'll swap you one rather delicious Ciabatta recipe for any tried and tested and delicious recipes that you might have for plums.

I'm trying not to eat too many desserts so I'm looking for chutneys, jams, sauces. That sort of thing.

I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm sure there are many cleverer cooks than me out there who do.

Kids were back at school today and all went well, apart from a few first-day glitches.

I think I might still be in shock, despite yesterday's bravado. I'm quite emotional and a bit nervous around big male teenagers (a bit of a problem given my job!) I'll be okay. Just time, I guess.



The dark horse, otherwise known as Bri, is a DADDY!

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