A stone wine bottle ........

........ from above.

(Actually it's from Poland).

Not sure how to follow the "fibre optic spaghetti" from yesterday - loads of stars, some hearts and lots of positive comments (I am very surprised how popular it was - thank you everyone) ........... so I thought I would set myself a mini-challenge and devote the rest of this week's blips to the subject of "things from above" ......

A few years ago the first Polish food shop opened in our local market town (we now have three) and I went in to get some Polish wine for Christmas just for a change ....... I really liked the bottle and the lady in the shop said it was a very nice wine so I bought it.

Cracked detail ..

Unfortunately the wine was pretty bad (I ended up using it for cooking) but I kept the attractive bottle and it now sits on the kitchen windowsill.

Here is number two in the BikerBear Personal Mini-Challenge
"Things from Above"

You are more than welcome to join in if it gives you some ideas - just tag your entries with

things from above,

RIP Robin Williams - a very funny, but troubled, man lost to the acting world.

NIKON D5200 : f/1.8 : 1/160" : 50mm : ISO 400

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