Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

More family memories

My cousin Margaret phoned today to remind me of my promise to provide a photograph of our grandfather for a piece of public art in Sunderland. It is called "Propellers of the City" and will be a sculpture in the new square in the centre of town (sorry, city). 500 photographs of people who worked in the shipyards will be included. Grandpa was a sheet metal worker in the yards. (My other grandfather worked on the railways in the yards; he was run over and killed by a train whilst at work leaving a widow and large family.)

We don't have a lot of photographs of family from that period and those we have are mainly snaps. I've used this photo of my grandparents on the occasion of their golden wedding and cropped my Nana out for the submission.

So here they are. I knew them both well. Nana looked after me when I was ill and my Mum was teaching. They lived a few doors from us, so they were a regular presence in my life. I remember many warm cuddles. Much later, Grandpa came to live with us for a while when he was widowed. Mum was always worried that he would smoke his pipe in bed and set the house on fire!

I hope the photo I send will be accepted for the project.

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