Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Three's a crowd...

This is what you might call an "embarrassment of riches"...I looked out and saw my first dark Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in the garden this afternoon. Grab camera, run outside, sneak up on butterfly, crouch in classic paparazzi pose and ... click, click, click... whoa! There's another ETS, this one the "regular" color! Click, click, click. Hey, what's that off to the side? A bumble bee? Yep, an embarrassment of riches, photographically speaking. And since I was using Big Daddy, they are all more or less in focus. Blip - done.

An otherwise busy day - some moving logistics including getting a quote on our car insurance since the company we are currently with does not insure in FL. Mores spackling of nail holes in sitting room. Then, a couple of questions for the mover. Next up, call the Realtor to set up a meeting (this afternoon at 5). Then, gather items needed for dinner tonight - one of my gal-pals is coming over for a farewell dinner. On the menu... Pasta with fresh tomatoes, herbs, and goat cheese along with a nice salad and some crusty bread. And wine, natch.

And in between all of that, multiple sorties outside for pics. My nine favorites from today are posted on Flickr, starting HERE - some are technically better than my blip choice, but I'm sticking with my decision.

Tomorrow morning I'm off with my nature group for a hike; then in the afternoon, Peggy and Kura will arrive fora weekend of girl-power. And, only 7 more sleeps until hubs gets here!

Happy day-after-Hump-day, people.


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