Fuzzy Friend Foto

So the girls were up early.....like real early, but I had informed them that quiet playing was aloud until 8am. Then they could wake me up. I heard them....ignored them....until 8. They really were quite quiet...just in and out of the bathroom and fetched the cat from outside and such.

We had Sugar's favorite breakfast of waffles with strawberries and fresh whipped cream. It was a hit.

Then the girls got busy playing. Baby bunnies were loved, the swingset was admired, and there were a few rounds of tether ball, as you can see. I should have changed my lens, but wasn't feeling it...so fuzzy it is. I've been playing with the fisheye attachment the last few days., and apparently....it is not good this far away. That's okay. You get the giggly girl fun. Well...it was fun...until Sugar lost...and she struggled a bit with that. It's good for her. Then they played a round of soccer golf in the yard....and Sugar did much better at losing at that. She has a hurt kicking foot, so she felt confident in blaming that. (oh dear....shaking head)

We packed up before Lunch and headed into town to drop her friend back home, and run several errands. We took two of the baby bunnies along for the ride. Everything is better with baby bunnies. EVERYTHING!

We converged back at home with The Hubby, and had a quiet evening. So happy and excited for two more days of weekend ahead.

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