
By Memories4Me


Dear Diary,

A focal point in my cousins garden is this sculpture of the Buddha. I've always thought it such a serene personae. I am starting the planting in the center bed of my meditation garden. I want it to be a serene and tranquil spot to sit in the afternoon. I've chosen a St. Francis sculpture to grace the center of the circular bed.

St. Francis holds a bowl that I can fill with birdseed, to welcome my feathered friends to join me. For me, their gentle presence in the garden simply adds to the peace and serenity of the garden.

Planning a new garden is such a delight for me...envisioning the possibilities. It will give me lots of enjoyment over the winter months as I search through gardening books for more inspiration.

The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. ~George Bernard Shaw, The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God, 1932

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