Remember me?

Hello folks! Do you remember me? Notch, ya know. Why that name, you ask? Well, obviously it's because of my ear. It's not easy being a chipmunk and accidents will happen. Just the other day, Skip was filling the feeders when she looked down at her feet and shuddered to see the remains of a tiny critter. She thought at first glance it might be me who had fallen victim to some fierce predator, but a closer look at the skinny, furless tail announced it to be a mouse. The neighbor's cat has been hanging around the Bistro...too close for comfort if you ask me, and one day a hawk flew through the Bistro, right in front of Skip. That is a real danger to little critters like me.

But all that aside, I thought I'd let you know I am alive and well, and the sloppy birds drop plenty of seeds for me to stock up my pantry. I have a cozy little nest under the overhang by the patio, and not even that nosy dog Gulliver, try as he will, can get his nose anywhere near my food supply. Skip says if you "go large" (whatever that means), you can get a good look at my full-to-overflowing pouches. When winter gets here, I won't have to worry about scrounging around for food. I'll be all set.

If you want to see another picture of me and a couple of my benefactors (i.e. sloppy birds), click here. Toodle-loo friends. See you again someday.

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