The exhibition!

It was impressive! What a lovely day I had. It was nice to go and see all of these pieces of art together.
This one is the artists who made these scupltures of bronze with one of the members of this association of painters of the city. My teacher introduced me to them. They asked me for a picture for one magazine. I didn't expect that and I said I am not a professional just I was enjoying taking pictures around for myself. Still this lovely friendly man insisted so I took a few pics with the sculptures and he wanted to me send it to him. I will send one pair to the email he gave me but I don't think it is very good to post in one magazine but we will see what happened haha! I will ask him for a copy of the magazine if they post one.
They make this every year so I hope I will be the next year again. Really it was a nice party and we enjoyed it a lot. Tomorrow it will be the last day. I stayed with my friend Patricia and we will go around London to see the poppies and maybe to see my teacher's exhibition again.
She is very busy but still we had a little chat and she is very worried about Millie her dog. Somebody told her that the dog is not well for the last few days. I think maybe the dog misses her owner so much that is why. Well one more day and hope nothing bad happens with Millie.
Thanks alot for the comments and stars for the ladybird and the snail.
Hope you all have a lovely day and enjoy it.

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