Chewed gum. Kindly left by some of the Students, from over several years, just for me. We have some very nice Students... some!

One of the benches broke - screws underneath rip out the back of the worktops, when folk lean or sit on the front of them. So repair time for me, which entails: filling the ripped out hole in the chipboard, with epoxy adhesive (the likes of Araldite); leaving it so set; and the next day, drilling a suitably sized hole for the screw to grip in. Extra work was chiseling off the chewing gum! This lot, all from a one-person bench.

It's been a while since I've done one of these, and I'd forgotten about the likely donations, that could well have been holding the top in place. Some are worse than others. Seems to depend on the location in the room - the back ones are worst - and of course, the chewing gum addiction (affliction?) level of the culprits. Have even had one cheeky swine leave their gum under the bench in my workshop - MY bench! Must be some sort of weird habit... weird lazy habit

Not much else happened today. Have been feeling really grotty and under the weather for a few days. Lethargic, and struggling to cycle back home after work. Thankfully getting better now, but have avoided going to the swimming pool for this week.

Best do without a large view of this rubbish Blip!

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