Bucky's big day at school

Bucky came to school today. Amandajayne kindly let me 'use' her for this shot.

Bucky will probably come to school again from time to time. Cousteau, on the other hand, won't.

The powers that be have decreed that dogs are no longer allowed at school. Cousteau hasn't been a problem, but some people don't like the idea of dogs at school and they've finally tipped the scales.

The kids have been asking after him. I haven't taken him to school for a while and they are missing him. They noticed that the dog bed had disappeared from next to my desk.

Oh well, nice while it lasted. I kind of expected to it come at some point.

I'm still sick and have decided to stay at home tomorrow. I keep forgetting things, my head is full of cotton wool and I hurt. I'm so tired. i want to get rid of this 'thing'.

Early night tonight.


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